COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response

The imposition of the lockdown in the villages of Chas and Chandankiari caused more economic hardship for poor families than the Coronavirus itself. Though some villagers succumbed to the virus in 2021, many more families were adversely impacted by loss of employment, the return of huge numbers of migrant laborers, and the closure of schools and anganwaris (crèches) for nearly two years. At a time when government help was needed, it was not available. Families' incomes decreased and the food available in schools and crèches disappeared.

JCMB's health programme could not be locked down. We had to keep ourselves, mothers, and babies safe. Many small private hospitals shut their doors, and many villagers were left without access to essential care. As a community-based organization, JCMB responded quickly to the changed circumstances.

The imposition of the lockdown in the villages of Chas and Chandankiari caused more economic hardship for poor families than the Coronavirus itself. Though some villagers succumbed to the virus in 2021, many more families were adversely impacted by loss of employment, the return of huge numbers of migrant laborers, and the closure of schools and anganwaris (crèches) for nearly two years. At a time when government help was needed, it was not available. Families' incomes decreased and the food available in schools and crèches disappeared.

JCMB's health programme could not be locked down. We had to keep ourselves, mothers, and babies safe. Many small private hospitals shut their doors, and many villagers were left without access to essential care. As a community-based organization, JCMB responded quickly to the changed circumstances.

Our Initiatives from March 2020 to March 2022:

Our Initiatives from March 2020 to March 2022:

Our Initiatives from March 2020 to March 2022:

Our Initiatives from

March 2020 to March 2022:

Our Initiatives from March 2020 to March 2022:

Our Initiatives from March 2020 to March 2022:

  • Free Childbirth Care: Provided free childbirth care in our health centre to 319 women whose families were experiencing acute financial hardship.

  • Rapid Antigen Tests: Conducted Rapid Antigen Tests for 1,350 out of 2,300 women at the time of admission and for 500 outpatients (168 positive cases).

  • COVID-Positive Birthing Suite: Established a COVID-positive birthing suite where 25 women gave birth.

  • Nutritional Support: Provided 574 pregnant women with roasted gram flour (chana sattu) and 643 malnourished children (56% were girls) of poor families with monthly nutritional supplements.

  • Awareness Campaigns: Held 750 village-based meetings of small groups of women to spread awareness about the Coronavirus.

  • Prenatal Care: Helped around 1,000 women access basic prenatal care, screening for anemia and hypertension at the village level.

  • Mental Health Consultations: Arranged weekly mental health consultations by telemedicine in partnership with the Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, from July 2020 to August 2022.

  • Emergency Food Packets: Distributed 25 emergency food packets to families where the breadwinner died of COVID-19.

Birthing During COVID-19 Times

Birthing During COVID-19 Times

Birthing During COVID-19 Times

Birthing During

COVID-19 Times

Birthing During COVID-19 Times

Birthing During COVID-19 Times

Parvati's Safe Delivery

Parvati Devi of Bansgari village in Chandankiari was in the final stages of her pregnancy. Her husband, Mahadev Kisku, is a poor tribal marginal farmer who worked as a contract labourer before the lockdown. Since March 2020, he had been struggling to support his family. Fortunately, Parvati had the support of the swasthya sakhi of her village, Sumitra, and monthly visits by our Community Health Worker, Sabita.

During a visit, Sabita checked Parvati's blood pressure and found it to be dangerously high. Upon further questioning, she discovered that Parvati had other symptoms of pre-eclampsia—a life-threatening condition during pregnancy that can cause convulsions in the mother, such as nausea, hazy vision, and headaches.

Although Parvati was not experiencing labour pains and was a few weeks away from her delivery date, her family was reluctant to take her to our health centre. Thanks to the persuasive efforts of Sabita and Sumitra, her husband brought her to the centre. She stayed with us for a few days while her blood pressure was brought under control, and she had a normal delivery and a healthy baby.

JCMB's dedication and swift response during the COVID-19 pandemic ensured that essential healthcare services continued uninterrupted, providing critical support to the most vulnerable families in our community.

JCMB's dedication and swift response during the COVID-19 pandemic ensured that essential healthcare services continued uninterrupted, providing critical support to the most vulnerable families in our community.

Jan Chetna Manch BOKARO

Forum for people’s awareness

Chamrabad, Chandankiyari,

Bokaro, Jharkhand

828134, India

Contact number : +91-94311-28221


©2024 by janchetnamanch

Jan Chetna Manch BOKARO

Forum for people’s awareness

Chamrabad, Chandankiyari,

Bokaro, Jharkhand

828134, India

Contact number : +91-94311-28221


©2024 by janchetnamanch

Jan Chetna Manch BOKARO

Forum for people’s awareness

Chamrabad, Chandankiyari,

Bokaro, Jharkhand

828134, India

Contact number : +91-94311-28221


©2024 by janchetnamanch

Jan Chetna Manch BOKARO

Forum for people’s awareness

Chamrabad, Chandankiyari,

Bokaro, Jharkhand

828134, India

Contact number : +91-94311-28221


©2024 by janchetnamanch